November 18, 2013

Random : Last weekend

Last week I met two of my idols :

1) Faizal Tahir
Not many people know that I like him, it has never been discussed before because most people know how much Aja loves him - so I didn't want to make it like a great deal. But yes, there are some Malaysian singers that I like, and Faizal Tahir is included in the list. Meeting him last week at Microsoft's Surface launching in Starbucks The Garden was fun. He sang a song live, I took a picture with him and gave Aja all the glory to cry with happiness. Ha, I'm glad she finally met him - meeting Faizal was in her wish list.  

For some people on Tumblr, you must have stumbled across one or two of her poems because they are widely shared among us Tumblrians. I love her beautiful poems on love, betrayal, pain, longing, falling in love again, and those sweet things most people like us love. So when she compiled it in a book back in April, I bought it online right away. It took two months to arrive, yeap, that's with Book Depository - cheap book, free delivery but 2 months to arrive. 

Well Lang Leav is currently on her book tour and she came to Kinokuniya, KLCC last weekend for a short book read and 'meet & greet' session. I was the third person in a long line - imagine my excitement to meet a writer/poet/word artist. She sweetly wrote "For Ezreen, " and signed the book. She asked me whether it was right and I said my name was actually spelled with an 'A' not 'E'. She felt guilty and offered other new book but I refused - *no, I'm not going to change my first printed version of Love & Misadventures !


  1. aaaaaa jelesnya dapat jumpa lang leav! :)

  2. OH MY GOD YOU WERE AT LANG LEAV'S TOO?! I was there as well! Isn't she lovely?

    1. Yeah, I was so excited, I went there early :D
