November 12, 2013

Event : Rimba & Rusa

This would be not my 17th but my 18th booth.

Typed on Saturday before the event :

I got to be one of the vendor for today's Rimba & Rusa by Wondermilk & Hellodeer. The feeling I got to get in is like when the first time I finally got a place for the Pipit's event few years ago. Over the years, applying and getting rejection from events and small independent shops are almost common for me. Opening a booth in one of Wondermilk's event is one of my aim this year, so I had to try to get in before the year ends. I got in, wihu! *PS : I was rejected once from one of their event before this.

When I got their e-mail, 2 days ago, I was excited ! Despite not having any transportation to go to Damansara Uptown while bringing up my things and props, I decided to go just through it. I already paid for the booth, and later planned my route via googlemaps. 

The closest train stations are LRT Taman Paramount and LRT Kelana Jaya, after that my plan was to go there by taxi. I was not going to complain over having to ride public transportation to open a booth because no one forced me to do this, I just had to achieve my goal and that was it.  

Before ma went out this morning, she asked me :
"Don't you have any friends to help take you there by car ?"

And I answered,
"No, ma. I don't have friends."
*statement made based on friends to help me with my free-time activities, because at that time, I can't think about any names at all. But I have some friends, of course, kot. Ha.

I packed all my stuffs in the most convenient way to commute. Half things in my bakul, and another half in my canvas totebag, plus my handbag. 3 things. If people could travel with a huge backpack across the world, how hard it is to carry 3 things to Damansara Uptown?, I thought silently. 


Typed on Sunday, one day after the event :

After 2 hours of bus ride (RM 3), trains (RM 3.30) and taxi (RM 11), I arrived in front of Hello Deer, feeling excited because I managed to arrive safely. I asked the organizer about how to choose my desk and started to set-up my booth. 

3pm - 12am,
after 18 events, I can conclude that this was one of the bad event for me : 
1. I was starving because I forgot my breakfast and lunch. *aja only came after 7pm.
2. I was alone and there was really no one I could push myself to talk to.
3. I was in a bad mood because I was really hungry,  beyond friendly words.
4. I almost finish reading Susan Sontag's diaries in one go.
5. Almost no crowd. I wish for more people, less hipstery people and more artsy people instead. But no.  Maybe I expected more, but people said : expect less, so you won't feel disappointed much. For the first time, I feel out of place.

But the place is beautiful, decorations, environment, yes, they have a great taste. I love Wondermilk and Hello Deer, thanks a lot for having me. You guys did a great job, I'll have a taste of your mouth-watering-foods in the future ya.

And I guess my doodles are not up for the upper-east side :D 

xoxo, budaksukacontengan.


  1. wow,,love your arts!!
    seriously o0_0o
    bila next event ye..?

    1. Thanks <3

      Nxt event :
      Urbanscape - 23 & 24 Nov,
      Art for Grabs - 14 & 15 Dec.

