November 24, 2013

Event : Post Urbanscapes 2013

Saturday afternoon, Urbanscapes 2013.

I prepared my stuffs the night before, and so on the event's day, I packed my things and had a lunch in Equine Park with my sister before heading to Maeps. I was excited, I remember last year I wanted to open a booth in Urbanscapes imagining all those exciting atmosphere of great music festival mixed with artsy people around me. So when my sister was offered with a sponsored booth, I said to her that "we must go, no matter what! This is 'the' Urbanscapes, it costs a month's salary to open a booth there!".

So we arrived and tried to register at the registration booth but our name wasn't there - this was a minor problem because maybe they had not updated their list, our name was under the sponsored team's, *we only took our tag at 630pm later.

It took us 1/2 hour to walk to the booth area while bringing our stuffs along, and more than 1 hour to find our booth, there was no mark or sign or our names in any of the booths. My sister had to call the person in charge more than 5 times just to get an idea of the location - at last she came and helped us, for that, I am very much thankful. We were drenched in sweat, hot beyond any words, and later I was having a major headache for the whole day.

We were not enjoying the booth experience. 
Many times "let's go home", uttered by both of us but we stayed.


There were many young people enjoying the event, happy carefree faces, hipstery latest fashion and socialites. I am not much of a trend setter or trend follower, and I'm pretty much enjoy watching the fever. The crowd was over-whelming, I never thought we have such a big group of passionate socialites in Malaysia until I went to Urbanscapes. 

"So this is the young people these days", I thought. 
Although I'm reaching the late 20's now and not actually 'that' old to be considered as young people, but well, you'll feel old if you stick around with me - I am really not a 'fun' person. So I'm comfortable seeing the younger generation as a different group of passionate people than myself. The energy is just 'wow', very loud indeed.

I also knew the concert experience was not much of my interest. 
Other than being a boring person, I also enjoy the quietness of nature with less human contact. So being in a huge crowd environment was a bit too much but interesting at the same time. I saw several performance but missed Tegan & Sara's that night because the performance was too late and I need to go to the toilet. Although Aja said that I can try the plastic booth's public toilet, I declined - remembering those Japanese pranks to people in public toilet *this was just a paranoid statement.

Market of Experiences
DIY kite
Free books available.
Awareness Campaign.

But other than that, I had fun exploring the Maeps's area. The view is breath-takingly beautiful. The event was located on the hill side, there were wooden fences over the grass hill, people were having a picnic while enjoying the good windy weather later that afternoon, explosion of huge clouds, and great sunset view. I wish I was not having a major headache so I could try to enjoy the nice hill side view.


All in all, I enjoyed the experience of being in the international music festival, here in Malaysia. Those little difficulties were normal for such a big event, and kudos to the organizer and also Toursim Selangor for sponsoring the event.

This year has been an interesting year, indeed.

PS : Bad rashes came from the event, the news is currently viral on twitter.


  1. ""So this is the young people these days", I thought."

    Oh dear God, please help me.. LOL!

    1. Haha, I seriously felt older at Urbanscapes.
