October 12, 2013

Random Rambling : 12102013

About 3 weeks ago, I had the busiest weeks of the year. Two days of Art for Grabs at Annexe Gallery, and my mom's exhibition. The preparation was over the top, as I planned for my own little booth, I had to prepare and help with my mom's big event. Those two weeks felt surreal now and I patiently said to myself everyday that it's going to end soon. 

Those sleepless nights and exhausting days were worth the effort we took. The launching day last weekend was great, and I am very much thankful for all the help we got for those days of preparation. 

My brother's and sister's friends played a big role in taking all the paintings from our apartment and my mom's little gallery to Matic - which was one of the hardest part knowing my mom's paintings are just too many. The second part was hanging all the paintings in Matic's gallery, which requires a good balance on the ladder and tying skill - in this case, many of us in the team did a great job. So, those were two of the big works, other little tasks were mainly on putting the price tags, keeping the place organized, and other little stuffs. 

I met all remarkable people, thank YOU.

A lot of things happened in those two weeks and I haven't rest ever since. I managed to get a day off today, by request from my mom and Aja's helped with her staying at the gallery for today. I woke up in the morning thinking so many things passed and we survived it all. 

My morning coffee said let's start on simple things to heat up the day :) 
Happy October. 


Update :
I called Streamyx asking help from the customer service on how to configure my Wifi's connection from Mac - but they can't help me due to "we are not specialized on set-up for Mac user , Mac is Apple product, no? " - duh. So, I tried it once again, this time, erasing the password and try-and-error other password possibilities, suddenly the line is connected =.=' 

So all these weeks, the reason I can't get connected was not because of the Wifi setting but because of the password error - I don't understand why on earth did my Mac just did not state any 'invalid password' so I would notice ! Gah.

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