September 19, 2013

Event : Zanubah's 5th Solo Exhibition


My mom's 5th solo exhibition, will be held in Matic Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, next month. 
She spent several months preparing for this event and I hope it goes well as we planned. We will be exhibiting a collection of her artworks. There is a reason why my mom is my top 3 in my inspiration list, it's worth coming and seeing :D

Along with that, she asked the four of us to exhibit any works related to our art - and because I am the only one 'staying at home and free', I'll be exhibiting my works as well. So there will be a small-tiny part of the exhibition for me. Doodle stalker, please come and support us !

Do come to the exhibition, the launching will be on the 5th of October, this is the event page in facebook

PS : I'll be taking care of the exhibition for the whole month. 
And we also need volunteers on 29th and 30th September, text us at 011.23849649.  

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