August 28, 2013

This Week's Findings 1

Interesting finding this week :

it's a directory of direct links to delete your account from any web services. Knowing God knows how many web services we signed up in the past couple of years and how much information about you scattered across the internet. 


a letter from David Ogilvy replying to his 18-year-old nephew, Harry. Harry was deciding on going to university or straight to working-life, after school. Some people faced the dilemma of choosing their life after school, for me as well. 

I wish I know for sure what I was taking for several years with excessive education loan at that time. I wish I work in the field for several months as intern after school so I would know whether I really want to spend the rest of my life in that field or not, and know an insight of working life- *this is really useful. Instead of choosing right ahead. Not everyone knows what to do in their life at 18. Most people will get stuck with the loans and work their head off doing things they don't want to do. 

What I would purpose for 18 year-old :
1. Take a year-off. 
2. Ask your parents' help to find a work that you might be interested in, apply for an internship if possible, work for 3 months. Your supervisor should know that you are there to learn about the field, not just for the 'acah2' works. 
3. Take short courses or classes. If you love writing, take an English or Creative Writing course, if you love helping people, do a volunteer in a hospital, if you think you want to be a travel journalist, learn a new language, etc. So that you will find your passion and learn about the field as well.
4. You don't have to rush it. But maximize it to 6-months or 1 year, before deciding. Don't sit around doing nothing in the house, value your time. I don't understand people doing nothing when there is so much things to do in life.
5. Do a lot of research, because you are creating your future.

I wish I did all of this, but I didn't. 
I learned things a bit slower, that doesn't mean I regret anything.


Exhibition - Seni Asli,

I went to Matic Kuala Lumpur and spent time wandering in the current exhibition : Pameran Seni Orang Asli Meh Meri. *Probably will end soon, this week or early next week. 


I'll be here ! 

Antara aktiviti :
1. Pameran seni Creative New Media | Kutipan Tabung "Untukmu Palestine" | Slot ilmu bersama Aman Palestine & Aqsa Syarif | Gerai jualan (Blogshop/Makanan/Minuman) | Nerf dart Tagg "Tempur Merdeka" | Youth Mini Festival: Lokal Brand | Permainan interaktif | Pertandingan futsal terbuka | CNM Doodle | Merdeka Doodle | Live radio broadcast dari URBAN YOUTH.FM | Mini konsert (31 Ogos 2013/Malam)

Sokongan dan kerjasama :
Team APPR (Appertura Photo Clan) I School of IT & Multimedia Multimedia College KL | Majlis Belia Wilayah Persekutuan (MBWP) | Unit Inovasi & Multimedia | Aman Palestin | Aqsa Syarif | Mekar Semilu | Pekomik | Azreenchan | Pelirik Bebas| Hotfm

Update :
They changed it to Saturday, 9am - 6 pm, Multimedia College KL


Fellow instagrammers :

Indonesian illustrator - Rukmunal Hakim
Local photographer - Fad Manaf | Zulluey | Azlanr
Chalk master - Zaky Arifin
International photographer - Mustafa Seven


I just bought their latest album : Coexist
and I am still excited over buying it on iTunes and finding out it is automatically downloaded in my Mac and iPhone - even after 2 years. Even better if it automatically downloaded in my petite little tiny iPod Shuffle. *Phew, technology. 


Fujifilm Instax Mini 90 Neo Classic

I was super excited when I got a newsletter from Fujifilm regarding their latest product - will be launched in Japan soon and globally in September. I had my Instax Mini for over 3 years now, and I love Fujifilm instant camera :

Extra features that I'll love : 
Macro, double exposure, better picture in darker environment and moving objects.

Read here for other Instax.


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