July 26, 2013

Reckless Life 4 : Rambling Session after 4 weeks.

1) It's been 4 weeks at home. 

Four weeks , as in 26 days = 17 fasting days = 17 mornings without caffeine in my system while working and I did fine. A bit dreary but acceptably fine. Some cold rainy mornings were a bit challenging, and some were just like ordinary days. Several hours of works, + wandering off on Behance and Tumblr, + several minutes of lying back staring at the bunk bed, + several more minutes of hugging and kissing Awan, and some tiny minuscule minutes on doing sits-up and stretching up because I told myself that I can't be sitting so many hours in front of the Mac, *not a way to a healthy life - and I thought I need to do such 'activities' to keep my body lean and healthy. Mehh.

So what I'm having are super awesome days because I do what I like to do, every single day : researching, sketching, illustrating, doodling, doing some commission works. Repeatedly. It doesn't feels like work,  it feels more like freedom.

No-fun stuffs : tight budget on everything because I no longer have monthly salary like I used to. So I don't go out much - or almost none, I don't buy stuffs, and thank God it's Ramadhan, I can't no longer watch movies while eating heavily caramelled-popcorn.  
Tight budget = staying at home making money / I make myself believe that I am 'making money' - a bit slower than expected but, we'll get there. 

I've stopped blogging because I don't feel like telling the whole world about how excited I am in having my daily life working myself out. I do this repeatedly, so who would actually want to read about me, working ? That sounded excruciatingly boring. *but I promised myself that I'll record things on my reckless months here. Phew. 

2) Eid in 2 weeks, and who am I kidding.

3) And the Sleepyheads are still up on Threadless to be scored by you. Another 4 days to go. Go and hit the number 5 and I promise you, no matter what people tell you, you should know that you are such an awesome person. 

4) I still hate the fact that Society6 refused to do shipping to Malaysia. They are currently having a free shipping days, 'worldwide', until this Sunday. Phhhbt, 'worldwide'. + I complained to them twice since last year and they said they will update their shipping list once every few months. 
Now this reminds me, I need to go and check my postbox down at the creepy parking lot because the book I ordered has not arrived yet and it has been more than a month - *how I love complaining to the online customer service.

5) Go to my Etsy and buy stuffs, so I can watch movie and eat caramelled-popcorn.

6) I can't no longer stand Facebook, it shoves all the sweets and dirts in one go. I'm bloated. But the emojis are very cute indeed, same goes to Line's downloadable emojis. I remember in the previous event I went to several months back - the director of Line, Korea came and explained about their alarming popular instant messaging app. He was surprisingly very chatty and funny, nothing like what I imagined a director should look like or act. The download rate of Line was around 100 million in 19 months. So yes, the emoji played a big role in making the app hits the market super fast.

7) I feel like I am throwing up words in a brain-storming session. 
So I should rest from my rambling now.

It's 7.30am in the morning. 
Who would sleep early in the morning? Phhbt. 
Happy working, everyone !


  1. 4) I just ordered an iPad case from society6, hehe. Alhamdulillah the UK is included in their shipping countries (kalo tak, tak taula nak kata ape... :P). If you really want something you can have it delivered to my address, cuma I balik Malaysia agak lama lagilah so you'll have to wait a few months. :)

    Really lovely to read about your new routine semua, I've always wondered what it's like for artists/freelance designers. May Allah grant you what you are searching for this Ramadhan, ameen!

    1. Ou yes, if I want to buy anything from Society6, I'll contact you then. Thanks for offering. *I still hope they make delivery to Malaysia soon tho. I feel left out.

      Hehe, thanks Aneesah.
