June 12, 2013

Little Things 85 : Lost Brotherhood

Remember when we were all 15, we talked about which one of us will get married first? We pointed fingers to the girls and predicted their age when it will happen. Always to us, the girls, because the boys got too much to do, too many things to achieve. 23, 24, 25, 26, 27. 

I'll probably will be married much much later than all of you.
No, you'd be the first. 

Years went by and slowly they got married. 
And you. Of all people, you got married, the soonest among us all.
I went to your wedding, despite my dislike to the ceremony, because you were one of my closest friend. The brotherhood. Our brotherhood. The remembrance of being accepted as one of the self-claimed boys league. Maybe I was too cool to be one of the girls, or maybe they just said that I was one of them for the sake of it. For that, I was never sure. But being one was cool enough.

I never appreciated the time when I can be one of your lepak-lepak friend. I thought I wasn't going to miss us all. But it changed when I found out that you were going to get married to the person who can't even hear my name. 
Eventually you got married and we can't be friends anymore. 
I was happy for you but it hurt a little bit. 

Now you are going to be a father.
And who would have thought, of all the people, you'd be the first.
God, I am excited, I am happy, for both of you. I wish I can be among you guys, to see the little one grow up in front of my eyes. I love kids, everyone knows that. Can we pretend that I am still one of the brotherhood member and let me be a part of that ? 
Or I guess better not - 

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