June 17, 2013

Event : Arts for Grab & KLAB 2013

I went to Kuala Lumpur Alternative Bookfest (KLab) in Annexe Gallery, Central Market yesterday. I haven't been to the city by public transportation for awhile so I let my brother lead the way - surprisingly I can't remember any of the routes, it was totally on him. 


We arrived there around 1pm, finally felt the cold air-cond in the gallery and started to visit every small booths. One that caught my eyes was 'Rumah Ibadat Kita', it's a project by our local youth on mapping the spiritual places in Malaysia. I bought their nice notebook with 'Have a HOLY Day' printed on it and received the map to Brickfields' spiritual journey. In the map, you can choose a hour walk or 2 1/2 hours walk, visiting all the temples, mosques, churches in Brickfield area. I wish they have other copy for Melaka map. 

They wanted to promote religious understanding between different faiths in Malaysia and I think that is a great idea ! +bonus : nice-creative designs too.


After I visited the Arts for Grab area, I went to the independent book publishers lane, and boy that was nice. There was 2 long rows of booths selling books and zines. I've never really followed their evolution religiously, but I know it just started several years ago and it was overwhelming. 

Book designs evolved, it is not as typical as it used to. There's artistic value and concept - far much better. The variations, the people, the supports. 

Bought several books with discount and wished I bought more :


Siapa yang termiss event ini,
cuba lagi lain kali. 
Wihu !


  1. camne akak boleh tau ea pasal event2 camni ? ada website dia ke ?

    1. Event yang ini, kawan akak yg bagitahu.

      Event2 mcm Pipit, Arts for Grab, Hello Dear ke apa, boleh follow fb page dorg.
      Takpun google arts & crafts event 2013.


    2. ohh interesting . lain kali dapatlah saya join juga :) Insyaallah .

  2. ada nampak mimi mashud promote event ni, tapi lupa gile nak pegi. :(

    1. A ah, I met her in person :D
      Tapi tak beli pun travelogue dia,
      too much books to buy :F

    2. was planning to go, tapi memang lupa.
      the beijing travelogue is it? downloaded the 'free trial', very nice. you should do some too

    3. Yeap.
      Mine, I drafted so many travelogues,
      but never really habiskan up for public reads.

