May 16, 2013

Little Things 80 : What You Have is Enough

Mom bought a pair of new sport shoes.
After I repeatedly asked her out with me for my late afternoon's walks. That I usually do alone - she seemed to give a lot of excuses, ditto my sisters. But I know changes need to be polished slowly, so I asked them all the time. 

Mr. Prakash said, to start something, what you have is already enough.
Old sport shoes, not even meant for constant running, with holes that make my socks wet - is enough.
Converse sneakers, a bit uncomfortable but you left the other sport shoe at the lab - is enough.

Everything you have is enough to start something.

Here is an example on the same topic.


Beijing in winter

If I keep on sitting in front of the computer in my room the whole day, I'd probably go berserk. On my wild days, I go out twice - in the morning, and late afternoon. It calms me down. I am that good in finding distractions. 

I walked and ran for more than 130 km *since I keep track of it
I walked even more than that, on days that I didn't want to keep track of my outing activities. 
I walked and ran and walked and ran.

I miss it, the strange silence of the world that we usually see.
And when the familiarity of being away touches me.

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