May 25, 2013

Little Project : Cancer


Our family friend is diagnosed with brain cancer several months ago. So I really wanted to help lessen his burden in paying his medical fees. I figured that I should do something that closest to me, and that is doodling. I also asked other doodlers, illustrators, designers, artists and cartoonists whether they wanted to contribute something as well, and here is the name of all the people that wanted to make this happen : 

Current Contributors :

Azreenchan | Zamzammee | Farik Karim | Farhan Rosdi | Ikhsan Ise
Zulfiqar Naim | Azah Azura | Mysara Mangosteenskin

I thank and appreciate all the efforts, time and love spent on this little project.

All the money collected will be used to pay his medical fees.

Test print.
Test print 2


All in all :

I really hope you can support us in helping our friend to fight his cancer.
All help, support and love are much appreciated.

It is now available,
RM 15 for each set ( there are 16 stickers ) .
Please PM me from my facebook, or email me at :


  1. nanti saya tolong promote kat FB : )

    1. Thanks a lot ! Tgh dlm printing process, nanti boleh jual dah :D

  2. Assalamualaikum. Nak tanya, guna apa ekk nak design sticker on pc?

  3. Dear Azreen,
    Harga tu masuk postage tak?

    1. Yes dear,
      termasuk postage sekali.
      Pos biasa saja.

  4. how to contribute the artwork?

    1. Well, this was a project done in 2013. I accumulated some money from the sales and gave it to my friend. Later I think last year I passed the remaining printed stickers to other illustrator that was working on cancer-based project too :)
