April 04, 2013

Little Things 71 : What You Want ?

In one of the Zubedy day we attended in February, Mr. Prakash asked us to close our eyes. He gave us 1 minute, to imagine what we really want to achieve in life. 

Later he asked us, " Was it easy for you to imagine it ?"

For some people, 
it was a bit hard at first and it came slowly, 
for some it was easy, 
for some it was not. 

Does it matters to know what you really wanted in life? 
Yes. It gives you an invisible goal as a head-start, because your whole life will be built around it. When you know what you want, your attitudes, your plans, your goals will be slowly crafted to make it happen. 

Paulo Coelho said "When you want something, the whole universe conspires to help you." Rhonda Byrne wrote a book called The Secret - The power of Attraction, just to tell and teach people the same concept. 

It is no secret. 

"Pity for those clueless people, if they don't even know what they want to achieve in life".

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