March 04, 2013

Place : Janda Baik, Pahang

Last weekend, our SecretGroup family went to Janda Baik, Pahang for our yearly Rejuvenate 2013 to recap last year's achievements, whether we reached our target or not, to roughly discuss this year's goals, also to improve our bonding and working skills.

We went to Suria Hill Resort in Janda Baik after the Friday's prayer. The beauty of our little family is how well-planned we all are in doing something, roughly speaking from the outsider's point of view, although I have never worked in other company before to make this comparison. I loved how we all were given a handout with structured timelines, grouping plans, additional notes, maps, and such things. Precious little thing. 

We arrived in the afternoon and were given shared rooms. 

Here is a summary and some photos ! :


Activity 1 : Zubedy , MAD program

Our highlight event was on the second day, a program with Zubedy : Making A Difference ( MAD ) by Mr. Anuprakash. Yes, 'the' Zubedy, famous Anas Zubedy ! If Mr. Anas came on that day, maybe I'll have a hard time focusing on the program :D Anyhow, the one day program was filled with talks, open discussion and group activities. 

We learned about artificial boundaries, our true potential, P1 - P3, whether we know things that we should know and how to achieve our goals, excuses, and those little sub-titles in most motivational program. I loved the program, I learned a lot and I feel recharged. Most of us did. Somehow reminders like this trigger what we already know deep inside our heart and it showed us the important things in our life. It was not like other ordinary motivational talks, because I didn't feel sleepy at all *which was a great sign, because I know I can't listen to long lectures on anything.   


Activity 2 : BBQ , Back-to-School Themed Dinner

Last year's Rejuvenate, we had a movie-themed night, where everyone wore costumes from any movies. This year, it was a school-theme dinner. I had a hard time finding school uniform, it has been almost 10 years since I left school. *how fast! So I chose to wear Kadet Remaja's tshirt with a green beret. Some of us chose to wear school uniform, teacher, gardener, etc. 


Activity 3 : Telematch


SecretGroup Family :

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