March 15, 2013

Notice : Google Reader is Shutting Down

Hello !

For those who use Google Reader to subscribe/save your favorite websites/blogs, you should consider to change your platform now ! They are shutting down this July 1st, 2013

As for me, I don't use Google Reader because I didn't like the interface - so I'm not worried, I am using Bloglovin since the past 2-3 years ago. It's my daily-must-see site, like an addiction, first thing in the morning, I'll go through the feeds, rather than stalking anyone's blog specifically - I choose to innocently go through all the updated feeds in case I want to read any of it. Indirect blog stalking method - succeeded ! 
  • You can also import your list from Google Reader to Bloglovin
  • Save the website & make a shortcut on your web browser
  • Install the mobile application in your 'smart' phones, Android or iOS
  • Customize categories : arts inspiration, writing, travel, gibberish talks, fashion, cute people, etc
And in case you want to save my blog's link in your Bloglovin, here is the link. So you don't have to keep on checking my blog to see any updates, although doing that would really help me get higher traffic - but why do something so inconvenient when we have technology, eh ? 
Efficiency, that matters ! 

PS : Why something as big as Google Reader is shutting down? I have no idea, maybe they got this new brilliant idea next.
Updates : They said because of the declining usage ! Read here.


  1. I never knew using Bloglovin was that easy! Thanks for introducing me to it!

    I agree with you, at first I thought using Google was easy but I hate the interface so I don't use it at all.

    Currently am using NuffnangX.

    I think I might fully convert to Bloglovin after my finals, which is in 2 weeks. Eeeeps!

  2. Kann,
    I've tried NuffnangX too last year, but I found it too messy. So I stop using it.

