March 11, 2013

Little Stories 41 : Share Likes on Instagram

Ma : You slept late last night. 
Me : I did? How did you know ? 
Ma : There were a lot of Instagram's notifications on your Facebook. 
Me : There were posted on my wall ? 
Ma : Yes, you liked the food's photo, and you liked the Chinese man in front of food photo, and there were several other more. 
Me : I did ! That was not a Chinese man, it was 'the' David Choi. 
Ma : Oh. the Korean singer ? 
Me : Yeah.. *guessing she remembered my several David's concerts I went to. PS : David is NOT a Korean popstar, he is the Youtube artist from the States, but yes he is Korean.  
Ma : They were all posted on the feed's wall, I did not stalked you. 
Me : That is like breaching my privacy, I don't want people to know that I slept late by liking people's photo on Instagram. I'll hide the Instagram notification first thing this morning ! 

So I've un-tick the 'Share Likes' notification.
You can do the same by :
  1. Open your Instagram application 
  2. Click on your profile button (below, the most right)
  3. Click on the setting button (above, top right corner)
  4. Click on > Share Settings
  5. Click on > Facebook
  6. Click > Off , on the Share Likes to Timeline

But if you like to share your likes on Facebook,
just ignore this post.