March 31, 2013

Doodle : On Weekend


I feel like I need to start again on things that I used to have. I need to learn so many things from the start. Sometimes I feel stuck and even how many times I try to repeat, nothing works. I know if I let this for long, I'll never go anywhere. So I need to push myself back again. 

Writing has been a perfect getaway for these couple of months.
While doodling was a bit of a disaster. I can't doodle, I can't even feel inspired by looking at someone else's artwork like I used to. 

Sketched this on weekend, had so many other spoiled sketches : 
I guess I can't let this controls me anymore.


PS : Thanks for those following and liking in my facebook page & instagram today. I was a bit shocked by the big addition this morning. I found out that I was featured in Safiyya Tv9 this morning, huh ? I was not informed by them, so I didn't know when they were going to air the slot. It was today and thank you so much for the love & supports ! 

I am not currently open for custom-orders though :)


  1. I watched you in Safiyya . I was so excited . Hari tu tengok kak Azah now Azreen . I adore both of you . Such an art gene pool . hehe You're so cute ! meeting you will be one of my wish list . I adore your writing and artwork. <3

    and yeahh . I did felt like what you feel once . but honestly , when I read your blog and looking at your doodle I feel inspired again .Thanks .

  2. watching you on Safiyya..cantik dan comel2 doodle2 you buat..:)
