February 12, 2013



Hello !

How was your holiday ? I bet it was fun ! I stayed at home for 3 days in a row and had a massive headache last night. I guess I need to be in open space every once in a while to keep healthy. My holiday had been productive so far but who would want to read about other people doing works on their holiday, right ? 


Anyhow, I am nominated in Malaysia International Tourism Bloggers Conference & Awards (MITBCA) category : Tourism Photography & Arts Blog. Thank you so much for the nomination ! If you enjoy my traveling stories, photos and doodle travelogue, please vote for me !

How to vote ?
  • Click on this link.
  • Login using your Facebook account.
  • Find my blog's link : azreenchan.com
  • Click "VOTE" 
That's all !
Thank you for our supports & love.


Here are my random doodle practice on holiday :
Both are random instragrammer I stalked on Instagram.
Mine would be tagname : azreenchan. 



  1. such a great artwork.....geram btoi tengok artwork akk....btw nak tanya....akk punyer mechanical pencil jenama ape ek

  2. Itu adalah pensel mekanikal brand Pentel, biasa je, yg murah2 gitu. 0.5.

  3. cantik sgt! ur so kreatiflah.geram tgk ur art work ;)

    btw, done vote. goodluck k! ;)

  4. cute..suke semua artwork2 u,hihihi
    btw i already voted..hihi
    hope u win! ^^

  5. dah vote kamuuuu! :)

    always love your artwork.
    comellllllss sangat! :p
