February 06, 2013

Little Stories 38 : Fifth Day

It's the fifth day in February. 
I checked my Maybank2u account ,   balance : RM 92.80 .

How does everyone else surviving ? 

It's becoming a routine, on the first week of each month, going down to the basement parking lot to take out all the letters and bills in the letter box. A personal joke, telling myself that it's a strongest motivation to go to work everyday : Check your letter box and you'll just have to go to work.

Five days and many bills later,  my bank account is almost empty.

Please don't whine, 
please don't whine.

It's amusing how responsibilities can change you. 
Maturity is like a layer of skin in creating someone that is not you. The thicker it gets, the harder you'll recognize who you truly are. You will eventually forget who you were before those layers of skin.  There are just bigger things in life other than you.

Anyway, thank God I have my doodles to help me survive !


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