February 10, 2013

Homestay : Day 1 : Kmpg Kuala Medang


Hello !

Last weekend I was lucky enough to join Blogger's Day Out with Pahang's Homestay Program by Tourism Pahang. 

Being adopted by random families for a short length of time is not new to me. This was not my first home-stay experience, I joined several home-stay programs with Rakan Muda in Pahang ( Kuala Lipis & Janda Baik ) while I was in Uniten and also to Japan (Fukuoka) while I was in my school years.  This would probably be my forth or fifth time. 

In this program I went to :

Home-stay Kuala Medang, Kuala Lipis
Home-stay Kmpg. Peruas, Raub
Home-stay Kmpg. Sungai Pasu, Raub

Along with other famous bloggers : Lily ,  RaW ,  Fiey Ahmads , Fahd & Zara. Meeting them was an eye-opening experience, they shared many little stories and tips from their journey. Each blogger got their own style and ways to travel & share their stories. Although I am more to silence and solace while  traveling, with them, I was triggered to join in the little society : and boy they were a LOT fun & louder than they seemed on the first day :D


Home-stay Kmpg. Kuala Medang, Kuala Lipis, Pahang.

DAY 1 :


Food Galore :

Lemang To' Ki in Bentong

Our delicious lunch.


Boat Ride

The boat ride experience was by far the most exciting activity on our first day. It was one hot sunny afternoon when we first take a ride off to the other small kampung : Kuala Serau . It took about 10-15 minutes ride to arrive there.

We were also given a chance to feed fishes in the river. Countless fishes snatched fish pallets hurrily when I lowered down my hand in the water. Cold and slippery fish's skin, thank God I am not afraid of fishes! 

On our way back home, rain started to pour down lightly.
It was one great experience, having to ride a boat both in hot and rainy time.

How tall can the river goes

Lily & Fahd

Our boats.


Gasing & Weaving Demo

The weaving and gasing demonstration were shown by the people from Kg. Kuala Serau. We were also given a chance to play gasing ; I was pretty bad in throwing the gasing , I actually threw exactly like a girl ! Hmph.


Salak Farm

This is Buah Salak.


Accommodation & Facility :

  • We stayed with the host family, Pn. Asiah.  
  • Us : the 4 girls shared a room with 2 queen-sized bed.
  • No WiFi, but got 3G connection.

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