January 03, 2013

Little Stories 35 : Childhood Memory

My earliest childhood memory is when I was having my 3rd birthday. I know it was at our rented little house in Japan because I saw the old photo of the little event later.

We were celebrating my birthday. I remember the cake in front of me. I remember the little Tv behind me, because I remember glancing several times to watch 'The Land before Time' that was on aired. Next thing I knew, someone scolded me for not focusing on the cake. The Tv was turned off afterwards - that was probably my dad, because he did that many times later in our life. 

That is all I can remember. 

Many times throughout life, I remember the short scene of my childhood memory. I asked my mom once, but she can't remember any of it.


Today is my 26th birthday. I took a day off from work, I had a nice breakfast with my loved ones, I enjoyed my day and it ended so well. It was pretty nice - far from what I had last year. Last year, I worked on my birthday, and I asked myself many times on that day "What am I doing?", so since last year, I promised to make it as my day, free from work and stress. 

I also got this awesome box from my doodler sifoo : zamzammee
How I started my doodling career? Go ask him. 
