January 28, 2013

Exhibition : 6 x 6 Art Geng 2013 - 3

Last weekend, we went to MaTiC, Kuala Lumpur again for the closing ceremony. I met several artists : Fai Zakaria & Dzul Afiq , for the first time. Not as many participants came as anticipated, but it was enough to fully make use of the stage for the photography session. 


For the event, I brought 7. The Life of Pi, by Yann Martel. I loved the movie so much I had to read the book, even though I am currently reading 6. Beatrice & Virgil by the same author started several days ago. You should watch the movie, HD version, because it was breathtakingly beautiful ! 11 Oscars nominations surely meant something. 
Ps - I secretly went to Rhythm & Hues recruitment session at Uniten last year because my previous lecturer called me to participate. I remember they showed us the exclusive long trailer of the movie because they were the one who had done special effects for the movie. They had done a great-great job :D

I need to summarize more on the movie & book later, when I finish reading the book and re-watch the movie. A great story needs to be repeated so that I can learn !


Here are some photos of the event at Matic Art Gallery :
The air-cond was still broken, I can't stay in the gallery for long !


And for the previous pencil-coloured artwork by my mom, she framed it and c'est tres magnifique ! All her 12 orchids were sold on the exhibition, thank God I asked for the special version specially made for me. I adore her artworks very much. 



  1. cantiknya ur mom punya artwork. my fren submit about 3 painting on this exibition too... =)
