December 27, 2012

Little Stories 33 : Illy


While in Beijing, I saw a sticker signed ' illy' at some coffee shops. It is actually a coffee brand from Italy - but I didn't know that at the time. So I asked my brother, for the sake of making a conversation.

Do you know what 'illy' stands for? 
No. What? 
It stands for " I leli like you " , because the Chinese can't pronounce R ! :D

He didn't understand the joke.
It's either the joke was not funny or my brother is being super slow.

Okay, it was not that funny.


  1.'s funny! HAHAHAHAHA really!

  2. Really ah?

    No offense ya Ms.Bulat >.<
    My grandma is Chinese, I wouldn't have any points to offense my own 1/4 Chinese blood ! :D

    It was a bad joke.
