December 19, 2012

Little Stories 30 : Buku Chonteng

This is a Scheduled Post.


Even though I can be considered as one of the nerds in my batch, I did have my fun days while in my class. I created a doodle book to communicate while the teacher was teaching and we took turn to bring home the book so we can read it the next day. Only chosen people got to join in the 'brotherhood'. They were the bestest !

One of us got married several months ago, and I thought about him and our fun past,  so I drew this. Our young days will be cherished and remembered ! 




  1. pandai nye melukis , semua comel-2 :D

  2. very the cool all the doodles..

    have u ever play titik2 on math exercise book?:)

  3. hey there from a person in Malaysia!

  4. akak memang dari dulu suka melukis?

  5. Thanks :D

    Yes, Nazha ! Pernah. Main kepung2 askar on the math notebook :D Guna pen merah pen biru.

    Yea, rasanya dari dulu suka conteng2 saja kot, Balqis :D
