November 20, 2012

Sticker : Individuals


Hello !


The sticker sizes vary.


Other sticker sets :


PS :
All stickers were illustrated by me and owned by me,
please don't copy, reprint or reproduce them in any ways.
Thank you for your understanding.



  1. Assalamualaikum, kak.. zai nk bagi cadangan je ni..
    apa kata lepas ni akak upload gambo macam yg no² pilihan (dari 1 sampai 16) skali dengan watermark besar dan opacity nya dikurangkan. Tak lah ada orang copy gambar tu, dan print buat sticker sendiri kan.. (manalah tau kan)

    hanya cadangan ^_^
    maaf kalau ada salah silap.
    terima kasih.

  2. Waalaikumusalam Syatoza,

    Originally I just hope everyone understands that copying and reproducing my illustrations is considered as stealing.

    Sbb I really hate watermarks :p

    So I reposted the smaller size saja lah.
    It is only 10 cm big, with 72 resolution, so if reprint, that would be hideous case of pixelated illustration.

    Annnd, if I ever found anyone else reproducing it without my permission, I'll hunt them down! Muhaha. Of course I know my strokes when I see them.

    Thanks for your concern ! :)

  3. Syamimi , bank transfer : Maybank.

