November 16, 2012

Event : Big Bad Wolf 2012


Hello !

I am so glad to find out that the next Big Bad Wolf Super Awesome Book Sale is held before my next trip ! I was a bit worried before they notify the event's date and venue on the Facebook. So this time it will be much longer with more books on stock : imagine having 3,000,000 books ! 

But apparently all my extra money was & will be used for my next trip, so it leaves me with sipi2 money to spend on books. Worry not ! My birthday is coming and I can use that chance to redeem my birthday gifts from my loving siblings ! Huge *yeay* for that. I won't be needing a list of things this time, I'll just take a box and stuffed it with books and they can pay for those super cheap books. Ok ? 



Any book lovers would be mad if they don't take this chance.
They are 75% - 95 % discounts.
I am super excited !
I got a week for that event.



  1. Hey when are you going? I'm hopefully heading there on the 12th of Dec. Maybe I'll see you there? :D

  2. I am soooooooooooooooo gonna be there. 5mins from my house! :D

  3. I don't know yet Adilah, it is not very far from my house. So I guess I'll be going there several times :D

    Yes Nazihah, around 15-20 mins from my house :D

  4. Haha I can only afford to go once, so kalau ada rezeki, maybe we'll recognise one another eh? :)

  5. Maaaybe Adilah.
    I don't really know how you look like tho :p

  6. Hahaha I can send you a picture if you want :D

  7. I ended up not going there because my new semester started a few days before the event. T^T

    So sad.
