November 13, 2012

DIY : Epoxy Sticker

Hello !

Tutorial on making Do-It-Yourself Epoxy Sticker :D


Things Needed :

Sticker Paper
Epoxy Sticker


1. Get things ready.
In this tutorial, I used Simili Sticker Paper I bought from Popular Bookstore ancient time ago.


2. Get it printed.
In this tutorial, I used HP Deskjet 2000.


3. Get the epoxy sticker ready.


4. Take the epoxy sticker out slowly and stick it on printed paper
Make sure you put it precisely on the printed area.
Use your nail to let the bubble out.
The left one the printed one and the right one is with the epoxy sticker :


5. Cut the sticker using scissor.
You need to be extra patient, don't over-cut your epoxy sticker.


6. And there you go !
Your own epoxy sticker !


If you enjoy this post, share it ya !
Thanks a lot.


You can also order epoxy sticker from me.

Size : 3.5 cm

Price : 
RM 1 each , for less than 50 pieces
RM 0.80 each , for more than 50 pieces
RM 0.60 , for more than 100 pieces

Every 10 pieces, you will get 2 pieces free.

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