October 03, 2012

Little Stories 22 : Keeping Fit !

Hello !

It's been years since the last time I exercise. I doubted my fitness level, guessing it must be much lower than it used to be. So I started to go out again. I saw a Charity Run banner near the lab, googled it, asked around for partners, filled in the form, registrered and I was on the training mode again.

In 2 months, I managed to run for over 40 km, that's by 2-3 times running at the park near the lab every week. I trained for the IMU Charity Run held on the 22nd Sept : 5 km. I guess what actually helped me to keep on the training mode was the event itself because right after the event, I stopped running completely , and it has been more than a week. 

 I managed to be one of the top 100 for women contestants 5 km 
and that is my younger brother !  

Hope to be on the track back again soon.

Event list :

Use apps :
Fitocracy or Fitrunner

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