October 10, 2012

Event : World Walking Day

Hello !

There is an event held by Nestle : World Walking Day ,  5000 steps this month! I just found out about about this , and in achieving my walking goal that I posted just now , I registered right away.

Details :
Date : 28th Oct 2012
Day : Sunday
Time : 6 am - 10 am

You can register by choosing your closest venue here or via SMS.


Other walking track around Malaysia, click here


  1. walking is a really good thing.
    hope that one day; it can change everything--lessen the need of cars n thus lessen road congestion, push government to emphasize on pedestrian facilities, more people exercising thus increasing health awareness n lessen health problems, making people aware of surroundings instead of just vroomiingg pass by thus pushing ppl to take k of environment n cleanliness..
    n etc.
    like i said, walking is good. :D :D

  2. I wish they have bicycle track along side of the road. We should use more bicycle and less car. It is more nature friendly.

    People work and stay in Putrajaya should really consider that, the environment there is good enough for cyclist.
