October 28, 2012

Book : Yasmin How You Know ?

I borrowed this book from my colleague and finished reading it while on my way back from work months ago. It was mostly short paragraph each and it didn't take so much time to finish. I bought a donut, sat at an empty table faced a lake at TBS, and read it as much as I can. 

Yasmin How You Know ? is published by Leo-Burnett Malaysia. It is a compilation of Pesan-pesan and stories from Yasmin Ahmad or around Yasmin, shared by her family members, her close friends, people who worked with her, and anyone else around her. 

I read the book twice to refresh pages that I loved, before returning it back to the owner. 


Some of my favorites :

Yasmin on talent to Orked Ahmad ( Yasmin's sister ) :
"God gives everyone the same amount of talent. It's just up to you to korek (dig)."

Yasmin on choosing her causes :
It was just before the 1st Gulf War. I asked Yasmin if she was joining in the anti-war campaign. And her reply, "Anti-war rally? No thank you. But please do let me know if there's a pro-peace effort being organised."

Then she gently explained that focusing on the negative only gives it energy. Trying to prevent wrongs or seeking ways to punish people who have done wrong actually creates more problems.

Instead, she said, focus on the positive. Pour all your energy into doing good.

Yasmin on the Meaning of True Love to Eugune Yong ( a friend & colleague ) :
Me : What is love ?
Yasmin : It's the long we have to know God.
Me : How do you know we found true love ?
Yasmin : The same way we know when our house is on fire. We just know. 

Yasmin on her Secret of Success to Orked Ahmad :
"Work hard, pray hard, and be kind to your parents and do a lot of sedekah but don't tell anyone."

It's a book I recommend people to read. Go to any major bookstore and buy it. Enjoy it, because there were some pages that make me laughed while at the train station alone. There were some paragraphs that gave me a short pause to think. 

I wouldn't mind having it for my collection, someday. 

PS : What I ask is to try to pause your mind on all the negative speculations existed around her, read this book, enjoy, cherish, think and take all the good things. She is one of great people that existed in this world that deserves to be treated with respect. 

I loved this book. 
4 huge stars ★ 
RM35 / Borders.


  1. I also read the book when I was at Borders one day waiting for my mom while she shops. Have not bought it yet but I definitely will. Love it loads too :) Very inspirational.

  2. you read it too?
    This book was awesome.
    I have 1 copy.

    This book is amazing. best sesangat.
    ada part2 yang make in tears.

    By the way, cover page so simple and unique too.

  3. Kaan..
    I was touched by many things.
    Although some were very small things, a snippet, T^T.

  4. boleh tahan gak reviewnyaa...mcm nk beli je.. :D

  5. RM35? dah pi la beli cepat. akak nak pinjam LOL

  6. Puan Norfa super stalker, pinjam kat abg Yuseri, sbb sy baru lepas pulangkan smalam :F
