September 23, 2012

Illustration : Nature

Hello !

I am beginning to doodle same things over and over. My generic mind keep on producing what it knows. Unfortunately I am not as talented as many illustrators out there, the one that can draw what they see and what they imagine. So to keep on pushing myself and not feeling so down, I call myself a doodler, so it won't be as heavy as being an illustrator! 

Anyway, here are some research illustrations I am doing to learn new things, focusing on nature. I draw these using Unipin 0.2 and 0.8 - right away, no pencil sketching. I hate to see pencil strokes under pen strokes and having to erase them afterwards.


Research 1 :


Research 2 :


Reseach 3 :



  1. Cantek >,<
    what book r u using there?

  2. Gosh, those are beautiful. You are very talented. I'm so jealous :P

  3. Awesome! MashaAllah. Might just be my personal preference, but I love nature-inspired stuff (as opposed to creatures/faces).

    Keep it up!

  4. Oh nak tambah, I think the first sketch looks better without the mass of darkness in the background (eg. the in-progress images). Not sure why, maybe the high contrast steals the focus a bit.

  5. Waykim :
    I used normal notebook, no brand :)

    Thanks Elina & Aneesah.
    Yes Aneesah, I do think I like the clean version more, but I was experimenting on how to draw background as well - so that was the result.
    I'll experiment with other ways soon ! :D

  6. Love your doodles. You are really good. Keep up the doodling :)

  7. mmg berbakat la kamu ni... gunakan kelebihan yg Allah beri ini demi kebaikkan ummah.. :)
