August 16, 2012

Random : Tasya's birthday


Last weekend was one of my best friend's birthday. 
Happy birthday Tasya! 


We went to Ole-ole Bali in Sunway Pyramid.

It was my first time experience so I ordered western food : Chicken Chop and Chips for RM 28.90. I should probably order their signature food instead of random western food but I wasn't really focusing much while reading the menu *it was almost 7pm! The restaurant's interior was really beautiful and welcoming. 

Tasya's dinner : Nasi Kambing Bumbu

Moi Chicken Chop and Chips

See those lights! Bubu!


Yesterday's event while on my way to work :



  1. comel je lukisan yang kak azreen lukis.. :)

  2. kenapa tuan punye blog ni lawa sgt? XD

  3. Terima kasih Miss Shuga :D

    KK, gamba link itu pun tidak kurang hebatnya! :D
