August 27, 2012

App : Fieldrunners 2

I love the game sequal to the award winning game, Fieldrunners! 

Before I went back home to my kampung, I keep on reconsidering to buy the game. I know I loved the previous Fieldrunners and I did bought the game last year, finished playing and even stopped playing it completely. *I have a habit of over-excessively play a game until the ending and I'll leave it completely afterwards.

Several months ago I came across the shiny new app on iTunes : Fieldrunners 2. I was excited but a little skeptical. What if the game is just another twin version of the previous one with small extra features? Am I ready to spend $2.99 for a game? Maybe I should. I would be lying if I say I am not curious about it. 

So I bought it, after reading few convincing reviews.

And I am loving it! 
  • The graphics are beautiful, and guess what? They are all digitally hand-painted! For an art appreciator, I do see this little things. I love the way thing are both traditional and modern at the same time, it is the best way of merging them. 
  • I love how there is a beautiful interactive maps to choose levels from, the previous one was a bit too simple. There are also many fun bonus levels in between. 
  • I love how they put on the details. Like how those soldiers fall when they were shot and how those helicopters burned. For your information, it is as small as real life ants on the screen. So knowing they put efforts on making it that detailed, is pure joy to me. 
I bought it, and I am enjoying the game.


PS : I don't do jailbreaks, I appreciate people's work and I don't steal when I want something.


I work as a conceptual designer for mobile application and during my free time, I explore the beautiful wonder of arts in current digital medium mainly in tablets and smart phones. I'll share my finding here from time to time. Enjoy the geeky side of me ! :D - azreenchan

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