July 31, 2012

Review : Lumix LX3


I've always wanted to share my love for my Lumix LX 3 to people. Cecelia asked to share a review on Lumix LX3 and I guess it's time. *PS : Check out her awesome artworks in her blog, she's one of my inspiration! I've been absent-mindedly telling people around me about how much I love my Lumix. 

After I've been using Nikon D40 for almost 3 years while studying,  I decided to convert to prosumer camera, read my previous post on why I converted to prosumer camera here. I took months to find a  suitable camera, I read reviews and gave a long thoughts before I bought it. I was a student and buying a prosumer camera was something quite big. I never looked back tho.


Why I love my Lumix LX3?

1. Super easy to use.
One of my problem while using dSLR is the setting. Especially while on an outing activities like weddings, hanging out with friends and family, parties and such. Those precious moments don't usually wait, you can either take out your camera and snap it right away, or you can shout "wait, wait, wait, the settings...", adjust the aperture, shutter speed, ISO, etc. 

Most of the time, people run here and there while taking photos, and you need to readjust it as fast as you can *using auto setting can be considered as cheating - for dSLR user. And if you want to be in the photo and you ask your friend to take it for you, that's another thing to consider.

With Lumix LX3, I put the setting to iA, and I will get the pictures out beautifully. So easy. 


2. The size & design. 
This camera is a lot smaller and lighter than dSLR. I love the fact that it is easy to bring to places because of the size, I love the texture and retro design, it reminds me of my sister's first camera back when we were young.


3. Low light condition.
It takes decent pictures in low light conditions. I don't use built-in flash, I don't even understand why it exists, what it usually does is making pictures look worse than normal. So, with Lumix LX3, pictures can be taken in low lights, there are noise - I can't deny that. But it is decent enough for me. 


4. HD Video 
I am no videographer, but you can make beautiful videos from this little one.
Try check this one out :


5. Macro! 
What is a camera without the ability to take pictures super close? And as a doodler, I love to take the detailed part of my doodle, so close, up until it focuses on the small tip of my 0.1 artline or the super fine paper's texture. Ahh.. The satisfaction to see those textures. 

I am serious. You can focus down to 1-2 cm close.


All in all, I love my Lumix LX3, I am not a spokeperson for Panasonic, no. I am just sharing my happiness on buying such a great product with you.

But be informed that LX3 is an old model, it was first out in 2008. The latest Lumix LX version is Lumix LX5. Most probably Lumix LX7 will be out in September 2012 *rumours! 

PS :
Most pictures in this blog were taken by using Lumix LX3, some rectangular instagrammed photos were taken by using my iPhone. 


  1. a blog post to answer my question! oh i love you Azreen!!! *hugs*
    Getting the Lumix this week...can't wait XD

  2. Yeay! And you can take more beautiful photos like the one when you went to your Japan trip. I can't forget that one :D

  3. Adding one more point as an LX3 user:

    6. Wideangle lens!
    Some consumer-level cameras have this too, but really, wideangles are super-nice for landscape/panorama and group shots. No need to back away so far to get everybody in. Of course, the drawback is that it is not a zoom lens (2.5x optical zoom is sangat sikit).

    And, possibly:

    7. Conveniently "cheating" the colours using certain film modes. Eg. "Dynamic" film mode makes skies super blue, and colours extra vivid. People using DSLRs need to buy polarisers and this and that to achieve the same effect (without software editing).
