July 10, 2012

Doodle : Sketches


Hello !

I am not lying when I said I doodle a lot. Random small items that I see, quotes that I like, logos that caught my eyes, random sketches in meetings, and such.

A person has ways to express his/her thoughts in various ways. 

These came from 4 different notebooks alone :



  1. Salam Alaiyka.

    Ok, memang percaya empunya blog ni memang suka doodle. Tu dia, sampai empat buku. Tak pernah conteng atas buku matematik tu. Mungkin patut cuba kot. Hehe.

    Seperti biasa, memang kerja yang dihasilkan ohsem.

    Selamat Hari Selasa yang baik. : )

  2. your lineeeeeeeee..............is.......so smoothhhhhh.....! awesome!
