July 26, 2012

Doodle : The Big Journey


Hello !


 Title : Big Journey
Material : Canvas
Size : Huge enough for me
Duration : +2months-

It took quite some time because it was spontanous and large. I knew I want to draw a spaceship/s, I knew I want to doodle something about a journey. So I took the pen and doodled it all the way. There were days when I left it by the wall because I was too uninspired to continue doodling. There were weeks that I ignored it because I was too lazy. 

Two years ago I drew this, it occured to me that my traveling thoughts have never left me. Those journey illustrations were indirectly talking about my dream.

I used several artlines to finish this, probably around 4-6 sized S & M permanent marker. Can you imagine inking the background using small sized marker? Well I've done that :)







Current work :

Happy fasting !


  1. nak tanya nak beli canvas tu kt mana?kalau awk jual boleh email sy tak?


  2. OMGOSH! this is like....amazing! I should try too! but on a much much smaller canvas O_O

  3. adooooooreeeee your workkk !!!

  4. merahitujambu :
    Boleh2. Nnt sy email ya.

    Well yes Ms. Bulat, you shoul try it :)

    Thanks Cik Adie & Ainna.
