June 08, 2012

Travel : Perhentian Island 1


At last, after a month of keeping this in my box of paranoia, I'm ready to write about my trip to Perhentian Island! Despite all the things that happened, I can only conclude that in life, it won't be always sweet and learn from mistakes and don't judge, and remember that you are human and oh my, I learned so many things here in this trip, but I rather keep this to myself. Fair enough.


Things that I want to Share in this Trip :

1. On traveling
Be ready to sit in the bus for hours. Bring sweater or clean towel if it gets too cold. 

After 9 hours of bus traveling, I woke up to sun rise on a boat and clear sea water. 


2. On food
Foods are pricey and it tasted dull, I don't mind eating them if it's not 'that' pricey. But we had no choice. By 2nd day, all the food stocks that we brought in our trip ran out. 

Bringing bread, kaya, sardine, tuna, maggi, snacks, helped a lot. 
Oh, and you should probably bring your own bottled water to refill water, so that you won't have to buy pricey drinks all the time. 


3. On network
I used Maxis, and I hardly got network, except near water which is very inconvenient. * Nevertheless, I never even got any messages or phone calls in those 4 days, so who cares, right? Lol.


4. On activities
There weren't so much things to do. We relaxed at the beach, went on snorkeling and swimming, walked at the beach, searched for foods and talked and spent time together.

Snorkeling was the best part in this trip. I can assure you, you should try it at Perhentian Island. The truth is, I was a bit worried at first. One of my fear is deep water *that was why I took swimming lessons back when I was in Uniten. But this experience was meaningful and fun enough. *I still have a fear for deep water though.





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