June 09, 2012

Little Things 27 : Alone

1. When you are alone, you can see all the details on your surrounding. Like how two friends accidentally saw each other at the train station and got excited over that unplanned meeting, or how all the machines at the train station were broken and I don't see the point of giving away those paper tickets, or how the 1Malaysia train is still shiny and on-time, or how a polite girl offered her seat to an old woman who passed it to me *still feeling something was not right.


2. When you are alone, you can taste the food differently. You can focus on eating your meal. I became aware of the colour, the smell, and the taste. I keep thinking about the chicken *which I failed to know why. I tried going online using my phone, but got bored after 2 minutes so I turned it off again. I watched my surrounding and enjoyed my quiet time.


3. The cashier at Artfriend recognized me. I guess after several years, he should probably recognize me as much as I recognize him. He even remember 'the name' and give me discount for member. 

Alone today?
Bought new postcard paper.

I miss Basheer at Bras Basah, Singapore. They got a variation of interesting graphic books. I just don't like the fact that I need to convert it tho.


My brother & I :

Thank you for being my top list reader. 


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