March 01, 2012



Here are the latest pictures from Awan, getting healthier. I think she got used to wearing her plastic collar. She looks like a desk lamp, don't you think? She licks her collar ever so often, just like she licks her body before the surgery. I bet she felt so dirty for not cleaning up herself for almost 2 weeks now. Well, Awan, toughen up! 

She got several new habits :

Awan sleeps on my bed almost all the time. I had to bring her out of the room every night. I can simply conclude that I am allergic to her fur, because I got bad cough since she started to sleep on my chest every morning *before the surgery. It wasn't that bad now.

When she wants to hop on the bed, she hangs her body halfway up and waits for someone to carry her up. She literally shows her big eyes!

She seems much nicer now compared to before. She hardly bite anyone and she wants us to be near her most of the time. Poor Awan. So manja.

Awan, the space cat.
