February 09, 2012

Post with No Benefits.

Be informed that this post has no benefits or knowledge.


Funny, I woke up feeling groggy. My cough was bad enough, *people would probably twitch if they hears it. Slightly dizzy and bad mood, maybe I woke up in the wrong position this morning. I guess when I thought I'm okay with accepting many stressful conditions at once, I can believe myself. But when my body don't really want to go along with my mind, that's when little problems came. 

There are these house's issue, and the studio, and the work and freelance and personal stuffs came along with a mixture of my flight cancellation, and the lost of my precious things and little bit of pain and bitterness, and big decisions in life. All in all, I'm managing as well as I can. Well at least I'm trying, so hard.

And I chose to nag here. Here, in public. Because people only came here to poke my life, indirectly. I've tried to talk. Really. I have tried. People don't listen. It was upsetting at first. Because people don't listen. Everybody got their own stories to tell and everyone wants someone to actually listen. But the world has changed. Technology comes in. Communication is being directed in a different channel. And people are so accustomed to use this channel, to communicate. So I'm using it now. 

I'm using my blog, to nag. Unprofessionally. 
This post has no benefits, it doesn't help people. I just wasted 5 minutes of your time, just by reading this post. And I'm not going to say how sorry I am to show my nagging side *total turnoff. And I'm not going to say I'm sorry for being human. Hmph.



  1. you're tough girl and you'll be just fine..

  2. hang in there! life is tough enough for everyone. each person have their own challenges, im sure ur strong enough to overcome all of this! have faith in life.
    ps. like in a lyric of eminem, spell LIVE backwards and ull know.

  3. Sabar. Things happen for a reason. Have faith in Him (always).
