February 06, 2012

Book : The Red Tree

On my birthday last month, I received a surprising presents !
My fifth Shaun Tan's book : The Red Tree and an empty sketch book with Shaun's illustration on it :D I am very thankful and I really really really loved it. It smelt perfect!

Past posts on : The Bird King , The Arrival & Lost and Found.

I can't wait to read these books to my children someday.



Ah !
5 books and 1 sketch book.



  1. buku2 ni ade kat malaysia tak,kat mana nk beli buku buku shaun tan eh ?

  2. Beberapa kali, beli di Borders dan Gramedia, bahagian buku kanak2.

    Ada yang beli online juga, post ke Malaysia.


  3. ouh ouh boleh bagi link tu tak ? cari punya cari tarak jumpa meyh . B)

  4. Buku Shaun Tan?

    Online :
    http://www.bookdepository.co.uk , free delivery :D

  5. okay okay thankyou . tapi yang boarder dan gramedia . itu bookstore jugak ke ? jual online ? nl link tehee . sorry susah susah je

  6. Oh, got famous Borders at The Garden. I found Shaun Tan's books several times. If you can look hard enough :D

    Gramedia is closed now :F
