January 24, 2012

Work Related : Petronas Pitstop Mobile App


At last, after almost a year of development, the mobile application is ready! I was super excited at the launching held by Petronas at The Apartment, KLCC last Monday *even though I can guarantee you I looked super bored - due to my failure in mixing around with the crowds. 

Our team, managed to pull it out along with Petronas Coffee Break campaign as well! Congratulation all! :D This is my first time in the full development of a project and it was such a good experience. 
*Now I can brag to people - like my uninterested sisters and mom. Hmph >.<

For iPhone user, you can download it here, for free. I don't see much use for iPod user like me, because we iPod users depend on constant WiFi connection :p But you can install it just fine, I use it to check on latest promotions and contests by Petronas.

I should really have a huge painting of a city when I have my own house in the future.


The Crowds!


I love the fact that I'm involved.
Silently excited. or did I sounded like I am bragging? Sorry. *whisper.

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