February 01, 2012

Travel : Fraser's Hill 2



One of the activities that you should try when you go to Fraser's Hill is archery. You can go to the Paddock and pay RM 8 for 12 shots. You can go early in the morning while there's no one lining up and get 13 shots *if you are lucky like us. If you succeed and shot the middle dot, you will get extra 5 more arrows. *no, I didn't get any extra arrows.

Trying something new is exhilarating and I should probably find new things to try every month! Just to get the adrenalines rush.

Tips :

1. My colleagues said he aimed at the middle dot using the tip of his arrow visually before shooting. *which I failed to do.

2. If you have weak hand and you are shaking badly, put your hand on your right cheek to make it less shaky. That is also a great indication telling you should workout a little :p

3. Be patient, take your time, ignore laughs and mockery. You have the "first time" badge for a reason, use it well. 



 Those were my colleagues, waiting.


PS : I should really try rock climbing in near future.
Putting this in the list.

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