January 20, 2012

Random Thoughts.


I've been collecting little pencil-stroked illustrations of random items. Many set of teapots, stationaries, foods, animals, shoes, toys and such. Several notepads, scrap papers, and sketch books. Now I'm recollecting it in one proper book. A little memory of incidents, places I went to, things that I saw, things that I love. * But still, too lazy to share with the world.


I've been dreaming a lot lately, it's hard to focus. I keep on having some short clips of events that never happened before. Like snippets of nice memories replaying in front of you randomly, but this is a collection of hopes and dreams that have not occurred to me. 

Life in the past life? 
Hopes for the future?


I've been reading a lot of motivational books lately *3 books in 2 weeks can be considered as "a lot". They mentioned the same thing :

Pursue your passion, take the risk. Life is too short to be wasted on things that is not important to you.

What if you need to sacrifice bigger thing in life if you choose to follow your dream?


I need a mind rest and a soul searching expedition.
*and I've been thinking about this for the past 5 years.

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