January 03, 2012

Cranky on New Year

While munching sugary stuffs I bought from a convenient store near our lab,  I can't stop to ponder on things that happened last year. Yes, it is a new year, 3 days passed already, running so rapidly leaving us by seconds. On new year's eve I spent my day like any other day, I can't even remember celebrating the arrival of a new year before so it wasn't a big deal. I guess it seems like another day human creates to put a mark on the cycle of time. 

Hence, I should't ignore the fact that it's my 25th birthday and I'm still counting even though I didn't really accept the concept of putting a mark on a cycle as I just said. 

Some lousy little things keep on hitting me for 3 days in a row and I'm starting to get grumpy. Well hello life, it's new year, can't you just leave me alone? 


What's with being cranky on my birthday?


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