December 22, 2011

What you should know : Fresh Graduates

Hey, fresh graduates!

One thing you should take note before you accept job offers is your salary. Although I am sure as fresh graduates, you are lack of skills & experience, but you shouldn't be too naive too long. There are fishes in the sea, grab one and it will tell different stories. 

Can you imagine, currently to buy a semi-D house in Sri Kembangan area, it will cost roughly RM 500k+, the least. 10 years ago, it costed around RM 200k. Yes, it's 10 years ago. But do you know, that the salary for 10 years ago hasn't changed much? The cost of living is getting higher by day, but it doesn't really match with what we've been paid. 

I found it hard to believe when I see offers to work as Mydin's supervisor or money changer's assistant in IOI mall, or yogurt seller *also in IOI mall will pay you around RM1,500 a month. Without the need of any diploma or degree. 
But, there are still so many companies in Jobstreet offers below RM1,500 to fresh graduates to work with them. How do fresh graduates survive, I wonder? With education loan to pay, not including daily expenses, house rental, car's loan and all. 

One of the worst rumor I've heard is, some company pays more to other races than to Malay. How can you compare someone's capability by their race? 

So, please fresh graduates, make a research on how much you are worth in working field. At least, if you hold a degree, find works that are suitable for what you've been trained to do. Stop living in comfort zone. Improve your communication skills, working skills, and be someone important for your society.

And Melayu, stop living in your comfort zone. Wake up.

KUALA LUMPUR, 15 Dec (Bernama) — A Recent Survey By May Have Shed Some Light Into Why Fresh Graduates Are Deemed As Asking For Unrealistic Salaries.

From the total of 1,830 fresh graduates who took part in the survey conducted in November 2011, 63% from Klang Valley and 58% from outside Klang Valley said that they required an average of RM700 or more to meet their basic daily expenses. These included food, rental, transportation and entertainment.
There were even 29% that rejected a job offer because the salary and benefits offered did not meet their expectation.
In general, what they expected was a salary level between RM1,800 and RM2,600 for the bachelor’s degree holders (73%). For the diploma holders, they expected a salary level between RM1,200 and RM1,800 (67%).
However, in reality only 54% of the bachelor’s degree holders received the expected salary level of RM1,800 – RM2,600. Another 35% received a salary below RM1,800.
A total of 37% of the diploma holders received less than RM1,200 salary, far below their expected salary level.
Graduates stated that the reasons why they were not hired was because of “stiff competition” (32%) followed by “lacked of certain required skills” (31%).
However one thing for certain, 23% of the fresh graduates themselves also felt that it was also due to their poor command of English language that deterred them from getting hired. Another 22% also stated “poor communications skills” as one of the reasons that they were not employed.
In terms of securing employment, 74% of the 773 fresh graduates who are currently employed managed to secure a job in less than 3 months after their graduation, with an impressive 16% who were even offered a job prior to graduation.
It was also interesting to note that for those graduated in 2011, 65% of the bachelor’s degree holders and 59% of the diploma holders were currently unemployed. 70% of them however just graduated 3 months ago or less.
A total of 1,830 fresh graduates that comprise diploma and bachelor’s degree holders, ages 19 – 24 years old, took part in the survey conducted by in November 2011.
SOURCE : JobStreet

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