December 16, 2011

Travel : Bandung

Hey, I'm back!

It was a short 5 days trip to Bandung with my family. The twelve of us went from the busy city of Bandung to a far journey in Bogor. Despite some problems occurred along our journey, we had such fun and joy together. 

I've learned several lesson along the way. 
What's important in every journey are the lessons learned & experiences, yes ? 

10 Things that I've learned :

1. Don't trust people too easy, being innocent will only make you be the victim. 
Lesson learned. I was cheated at Tangkuban Perahu in buying thing that I don't want to buy just because I was persuaded over & over again. In fact, we were all cheated. *on the first day! Days after, we didn't even look twice in saying "no" to the street sellers. 

2. It's all about tolerance.
When you are in a group, you decide for a group. You can't act selfish, you must learn to tolerate. You must understand that being in a group means every plans and decisions are for the welfare of everyone.

3. Money talks a LOT.
Money can buy happiness. Can buy respect & status. Can buy things, foods, any items & services. 
People do anything for money. But my little heart doubts the sincerity in every nice things along the way. It might not look like a big deal, but I keep having my doubts.

4. Eat carefully!
Okay, I had an awful diarrhea on the last day, and mild fever. Food poisoning for sure. I've been in and out from the toilet so many times in one whole day and I was shivering all the time. They left me at the hotel while they went out to go for another shopping spree on the last day. Hmph..

5. Bring thick sweater and socks , bring wear sandals *in the plane.
Air Asia didn't provide any blanket for our ride, and for me with mild fever, it was quite uncomfortable. The seat is small, you can't even lower down the seat much, imagine having to sleep in odd sitting position. Imagine a 9 hours ride to Paris!

6. Free WiFi is quite hard to find.
I had to sit in the Lobby before breakfast or late night after we finished our tour, so there wasn't any updates much. For an internet junkie like me, it was quite a desperation to find free Wifi, unconsciously searching but it wasn't that bad.

7. You need to pay for everything.
So bring your umbrella, tissue, water, plastic, iron! Be ready.
You can bring 2 clothes, 1 jeans and 1 sleeping cloth are enough. Buy other clothes while you are there, quite cheap :D

8. Buy local number, it is much much cheaper.
Don't use your number, you can just buy local numbers at the airport, or anywhere. It helps a LOT! You can communicate easier between your group members especially when you went separate ways.

9. Don't wait! 
We missed the biggest ride in TransStudio because we wanted to keep it to the last. But it rained badly afterwards :D And yes, you should go on weekdays, it is much cheaper and there wasn't many people as rumored. We didn't even have to queue, it's like our own private cool playground. Super awesome experience. We played on the same water ride several times in a row. Taking turn to change places each time.

10. After a joyous holiday, back to reality.
Work work work! :D


Photos will be posted soon :D


  1. Benda pertama sekali orang warning bila pergi Indonesia, jangan gila makan makanan depa :D Mesti sakit, my husband's friend pun kena demam and ciriit birit due to eat...but apa pun, kak Liza prefer pergi Thailand lagi hehehe...really glad that you finally went for a vacation, kalau tak, your status asyik kerja...kerja...kerja :)

  2. I worked hard so that I can travel, Kak Liza :D
    It was a nice short stay. Lain kali explore other part of Indonesia lagi. Thailand pun in my list.


  3. salam sis,

    bandung ni sis ikut tour ek? guna travel agency mana? ke backpacking?

    aaaaa boleh tak nak tahu berapa cost semua masa pergi dan balik..

    email kat saya boleh? sebab lepas habis final exam mahu pergi travel with friends.

    hehehe thank you sis! sorry kalau nyusahkan

  4. makanan di jalanan mmg sedap.
    tapi kualiti masakan mmg sifar.
    kalau di restaurant lebih terjamin bersih dan halal.

    kalau ke indonesia~kalau boleh elakan makan makanan yg pedas2.Sebab sambal mereka tak sama macam sambal masakan di semanjung.

    satu lagi penting~kene pandai buat muka bodoh,bila kena serbu dengan para penjual.Jangan layan sangat mereka tu.Sekali u stop,habislah kene serbu.

    antara jakarta dan bandung,me lagi suka ke jogya.
    kerana di jogya semua benda yg u listkan di atas,tak berlaku pun.

    mungkin kerana suasana di jogya lebih kedesaan.Jadi semua orang akan layan u dengan baik dan peramah sekali.


  5. Wooo... Few points mcm same with mine
