December 06, 2011

Start Living.

Maybe I've started living again.

I can't stop falling in love with little things in life.

I fall in love with children.
I fall in love with everyday's artwork shared among artist.
I fall in love with little honesty that accidentally shown.
I fall in love with music.
I fall in love with my Creator.
I fall in love with innocent sincerity.
I fall in love with little friendship.
I fall in love with mutual understanding.
I fall in love with other's happiness.
I fall in love with sharing and sacrifices.

I was too afraid of being hurt,
just because I love things so easily.

My biggest lost woke me up,
giving me choices : to stop caring or to just go on with life.

I choose to confront it and love every bits of life.
To be ready, to let pain knock on my door like an old friend.
To move on and accept it.


It's okay if I'm too soft-hearted.
That's who I am and I know I'll survive.


I miss NINA ! :(

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