December 26, 2011

My Weekend Updates !

I love long weekend! I finished my freelance works, and currently resting. *Waiting for reality to knock on my door. Another several days before new years, be ready for 2012.

1. Finished up 2 doodles on canvas :
One was the large doodle that I've started several months ago and 
I was too lazy to continue because I was bored and it seemed like never-ending process.
And the second one was so easy-peasy it only took almost a day on & off.

 Here is the easy-peasy one.

Here is the super never ending one. 
Not the latest photo tho.


2. A couple of hours journey to Sungkai :
We went to my colleague's sister's wedding,
we were extremely late, but we had special treat nonetheless.


3. Fruits fever :
Not only we went to the kenduri, we also went to his dusun to pick up some fruits :D
Durian was never my thing, but I had fun eating Manggis, Rambutan, and Langsat.
I forgot when was the last time I went to dusun, probably when I was soo young
and watching them sweating excitedly while picking up fruits, that was priceless.


4. Morning coffee with Ma :
Ma's daily habit.


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