December 01, 2011

Lesson in my Life : 1


My dad taught me a lesson : do something that can be done yourself, instead of waiting for other people to do it for you. 

If you can wash your own dishes, don't wait until someone else wash it for you. Don't leave it in the sink. 

If you can wash your clothes, don't send it to the laundry, wash it yourself every time you take your shower *daily clothes. 

Fold your own clothes, tidy up your bed right after you wake up, organize things on your desk,  etc.

Somehow, every small acts affect your surrounding. You can change yourself to be better. If you can't handle simple things in life, how can you manage to handle much bigger things?


Inspired by : 
The fact that my colleagues keep on asking me why I clean up the pantry, the cleaner will come soon, just leave it. Somehow it keeps reminding me of my dad, every time I see our messy pantry. God knows how he reacts if he listened to that statement!

If you don't feel anything when you are surrounded with chaos, well it's not a good sign.

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