October 25, 2011

Official : Paris :D

Let's get official.
I'm going to Paris next year :D

All those money I've been working on, those hard works, sleepless nights, weekends at home, limited food consumption, old handphone (4years), strained muscles, freelance works, countless events, running puking and starting all over again, are all for Paris.

Yes, the city of light, old civilization, great arts, magnifique buildings. The Paris.

Why Paris? I just want it to be my starting point. That's all :) I've been wanting to go there, so yes, I choose to be there next year.

I've been to Sapporo, Fukuoka, Madinah, Mecca, Jeddah, and Singapore.
I'll be going to Bandung by the end of this December.
My backpack travel should start now, while I'm still young with less responsibilities.
I've never aimed for big house and big cars, 6 digits salary and big wardrobe.
I just want to go to places, to explore, to learn.


So I need your support!
You can help me achieve my dream by supporting me at Pipit event this Saturday! :


I'm super serious.
I got a big project I'm currently planning when I get to Paris!

1 comment:

  1. yeay reen is going next year!!!
    I'm sorry i didn't make it yesterday to support u,tho..
